[센터공지] 글로벌 IP세미나 개최 안내(2022.9.20~21)

【 글로벌 IP세미나 개최 안내 】

- 개최일시: 2022. 9. 20.(화) ~ 21.(수), 오후 2시~5시

- 개최장소: N14동 307호

- 참여대상: 충북대 재학생 및 지식재산 스마트융합학과 참여학생 

- 초청연사 : Stefan Thalmann 교수

Professor for Business Analytics and Data Science at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz.

- 세미나 주제 


주 제


2022. 9. 20.()

14:00 ~ 17:00

Validating and Auditing AI from the IPR perspective

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is adopted in many businesses. However, adoption lacks behind for use cases with regulatory or compliance requirements, as validation and auditing of AI is still unresolved. The lecture will focus on this issue and the problem of AI’s opaqueness (i.e., ”black box”) as well as on the challenges for auditors who need to validate the correct workings of the underlying algorithms (e.g., no biased data, features suitable for the business problem etc.). Explainable AI (XAI) will be presented as one promising approach to make AI transparent, supporting auditing while possibly also increasing users’ trust. Further, the lecture will discuss related challenges using industry use cases.

2022. 9. 21.()

14:00 ~ 17:00

Securing IPR when designing Data-Driven Business Models

Data-driven business models are one promise of data-driven technologies, and they have huge impacts on innovation process and business value creation. First, the lecture will discuss the core elements of data-driven business models as well as approaches for ideation and establishment. Second, little is known about the associated risks related to data-driven business models, especially for established companies. In this regard especially intellectual property is at risk as this can be reengineered from big data sets as data analytics techniques progress, technical solutions for reverse engineering knowledge and protecting knowledge continue to evolve. The risks and examples are discussed in the lecture as well as that the choice of value object can be a protection measure for the intellectual property.

이 글을 페이스북으로 퍼가기 이 글을 트위터로 퍼가기 이 글을 카카오스토리로 퍼가기 이 글을 밴드로 퍼가기
다음글 : IPAT 자격증 취득 지원 프로그램 참여학생 모집(~11.8)
이전글 : 제5회 지식재산의 날 기념식 개최 안내(9/1)
충북대학교 지식재산전문인력양성센터
(28644) 충북 청주시 서원구 충대로 1, 충북대학교 N14동 312호
전화: 043)249-1651, 1655
Copyrights(c) Center for Intellectual Property Education(IP R&BD) Chungbuk National University. All rights, reserved.